KDA : Quality approach

HANDIKDA adheres to disability laws in all of its projects.

FSCKDA uses paper from the Forest Stewardship Council.

ORDRE-ARKDA is licensed by the Order of Architects, National Architects Order Board.

  KDA is licensed by the Order of Architects, Regional Architects Order Board.

ordre-ar2KDA adheres to sustainable development at all stages of its projects.

KDA Zero Mercure Zero CadmiumKDA does not use components containing Cadmium or Mercury.

ch05_image06KDA does not use products containing CFCs or other greenhouse gases.

KDA follows High Environmental Quality (H.Q.E.) standards.

KDA Norme IsoKDA applies ISO standards.

KDA has chosen the visionary approach of AFNOR.

KDA is a member of Archiliste.

KDA is a member of Archi Europe.

KDA is a member of Archi World.

KDA has a 100% in-house recycling policy.

KDA uses Energy Star qualifying products.

KDA incorporates the findings of the Grenelle Environment Forum and the French Thermal Regulations RT2012 – RT2015.



KDA designs low-energy building (BBC) projects.



KDA respects and supports the Imprim’Vert approach.